Saturday, December 12, 2009


He says

he likes my moods,

like others have done before.

My heart yearns for it too,

I wont be picked apart.

Saw his face in a crowded room,

Drunks and skunks all around.

I saw him,

his eyes shined to mine,

he saw my light...

I tell ya burning bright,

He says he like my moves,

thinks I so smooth,

he is too.

Trouble, trouble,

found me a double.

Dares me to show him,

Truth, Faith,

Art, Time.

He listens,

gives me hope,

sees me for what I am,

no longer lost and lonly.

I'm found again,

he rizes my spirit.

I leave the pain behind,

He says, he likes my,

attitude says,

I'm badass,

makes me want to think fast.

He like my mood.

If I could I would,

eat him with a spoon,

I was dancing in a croud,

he made me feel like,

we were in an empty room.

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